I was asked to shoot Edinburgh's Breakin's Convention '10 this week. A success and a class act at once. I'm not going to lower myself by trying to come over all "street", but it was really inspiring to see such a tight core of local talent throwing down for hundreds of spectators.
Since I am running up a tab on sports photography at the moment, breaking tied in perfectly. Perfectly in that it was pure challenge. Whirling, addidas limbs. That's what I saw. I'm a little relieved my camera could slow things down a bit but even still- wild blinding speed! The theatre had a temporary checker floor in for the festival (giant chess style) which was held by local breakers, MC Tony Thrills, a score of awesome DJ's , beatboxers and a wicked drummer, and if it wasn't a celebration of looking a bit silly, it was one helluva celebration of youth. Gals and guys from 7+ all got to show their style and got timed in to the beat. Young boys being young boys couldn't get enough attention, I guess its something we never grow out of.
Brought me back to the old days when i was once hip and with it. And the beauty of break dancing is no matter how much of a cynical, youthless despot you are, you can't help but be compelled and want to join in! So shake out your tracksuit pantaloons and commend your accomplices. Wording!
