Oh no - creeping ennui! Retiring camera finger! The great enemies. No worries then, red carpets all round. So i popped up and covered one of them. Press photography is a funny animal. A badger if nothing else. Simple minded and docile (a bit furry) until, faced with not getting its slab of MEAT, the teeth are bared and all manner of comments expelled from its jaws. Look out - a badger!
Nah, not really. Here's a few of what i took from the red rug of Pelican Blood: an enfent terrible of Karl Golden if ever there was one. An earth dark interweaving of obsession and ornithology. You will want to at least see the trailer.
The line up included Harry Treadaway, Emma Booth, Ali Craig and the beshaded director. A few other notables include the off-handed, enigmatic Artistic Director of the festival Hannah McGill and wayfaring photographer slash amazing person Helena Smith.
And as the Captain said
Make it so
And it wuuzzzz
You totally need a press-hat! Shee?