Mo Blog

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Morningside Montessori

Or do not.

Here are a few RAW's from our first half day shooting for Morningside Montessori Nursery. In: a mad rush and: 2hours, we pulled together some beautiful images. The old adage about working with children is only true if you dont want to do what they do, and I was all ears and eyes for suggestions! The silence is simply amazing. It is just unbelievable. The kids come in and get busy at their own thing. They can spend all day at one task if its how they're feelin. There's no "Cap'n Jimbo's Deluxe Monster Garage" or "Queen Larissa's self-indulgent Pamper-a-Tron" here. The toys are all really organic and simple. But fun too it seems! The children choose what they want, respect that others do too and get on with it quietly and patiently.

They have music and drama classes and they paint or draw ad-hoc! I'm waiting for adult membership so i can build arches and count to one thousand! Lots more to come.

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